The Book of Sin

According to Jerry Hyde

“I am beginning the writing of a new book. the code name is the Book of Sin. i have no idea where this is going.”

I met Jerry at that very moment. 2 years and a half ago. then began a year that was both sublime and dark, a year when i saw my life being transformed at the contact of this out-of-norms man, but also, Brexit, Trump, the migrants crisis…

Jerry’s research, all his brilliant teachings about the Dark Side, have profoundly upset me. or should I says my world and construct. I have learned since that any time i feel uncomfortable with a lecture, an event, a discussion, it is because something is moving “within me”. but feeling uncomfortable has become the signal of a possible exploration, a door opening to an unknown part of me. i also learnt that you don’t die from this uncomfortable place, but on the contrary, you can ie from your certainties. notable, this believe that you are a “good” person. To dive in the abyss of my sorrows, my anger, my limits, made me paradoxically blooming, more courageous, more creative, and mostly more loving.

To read  the Book of Sin made me journey between despair and hilarity, it is an expérience more than a book, from which i read an extract every day on my IG if you want to hear them.

I am preparing a post to share more details about what i have learnt and changed. but in the meantime the book is out NOW !!!!

> in paper version (the cover s just so beautiful!) here ! order it before the end of the month, message Jerry (jerryhyde@me.mac) with your invoice and you will receive the prologue in audio version, created by him…  rock and roll style!

> in kindle version, the price will be at 99p during th whole month of August. it is just the right moment to order it and support the whole project : the more there will be orders, the more, it will be well featured on these platforms!

> you can also support the project by reading an extract and share it on your RS. send a message to Jerry (jerryhyde@me.mac). he will chose an extract for you!


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