i am a french-vietnamese artist, mother of 2,
living in paris and london.
i have been a colour designer for 20 years,
and a filmmaker for 10,
during which time I produced hundreds of portraits
and directed 3 feature length documentaries.
what defines me most
is my quest for poetry,
connection and love.
“everyone should gift les rivières to a woman they love.” 4 years since its completely independant release, people over 82 different countries have been sharing tears watching my first documentary. you too, can become part of the tribe.
les rivières (94min movie) watch now

thank you for your art, your sharings,
our conversations, your financing, your translations,
the film could have never existed
without your love.
so, after having worked with women, i wanted to work on the masculine side a bit.
it is the right time for me to talk about jerry.

jerry is my husband and creative partner he is an artist and a rock and roll therapist who has been running men’s group and retreats for 29 years.
make me a man (70min) watch now

i am now working fearcely on my third movie : we have filmed one of jerry’s retreats with a mixed group of amazingly graceful humans in a powerful and psychedelic nature
i am searching a way to a diffuse a video installation about the art of forestry in yoshino (japan)
my first book will also be out soon. following this section is the first page. i hope you will resonate

I am a mother-river carrying messages from within
I am a channel through which life passes
I am my arms that embrace you
I am my sex filled with joy
I am my word shared in a circle.
you can fall there
to be rocked there
like in a human hammock
I talk and you no longer feel alone
I listen to you and liquefy with love
beauty is a flow
together we become ourselves
we become the other
we become other
we are poetry.
register to my newsletter to know more about my artistic and emotional quest (here is my insta too)
see you very soon
amour amour amour